Quality Policy

Mishan's Quality policy is to empower all its employees to create, implement, and improve our services to meet and exceed customer expectations.
Mishan energy Solution Pvt Ltd pledges to train all its personnel in Continuous Process Improvement (CPI); to provide the financial resources necessary for Continuous Process Improvement; and to create a work environment which develops motivated, knowledgeable employees committed to corporate mission. Continuous Process Improvement will be driven towards improved customer satisfaction and enhanced customer loyalty.

Safety Policy

We are dedicated to preventing accidents and their associated costs by averting, eliminating or mitigating unsafe acts and conditions, and by responding properly to natural disasters and emergency situations.

Our objective is to be proactive and prevent accidents from occurring rather than just reacting to incidents and correcting the contributing factors.

We believe that Aggressive safety management techniques such as improved hazard recognition, hazard correction, and employee involvement help reduce occupational injuries and negative safety impacts.

We promote to achieve Zero accidents as a corporate-wide process that helps us ensure a safe work environment for each Mishan employee.